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Workwatch is a complete solution to help retailers manage policies and better understand their space. Easy to deploy sensors automate data collection while a simple to use application makes it easy to
manage your policies.

Free Consultation

As retailers begin to re-open and recover from an extremely difficult time with COVID lockdowns, there is a need to make sure that your space is performing and that you are sure your people are following your policies. 


Workwatch is a complete solution for retailers looking to enforce their policies and understand their space.

Challenges Facing Retailers

Additional Record Keeping

Setting policy is only as good as your ability to understand it's effectiveness and report on compliance. 

Managing All The People

Occupancy limits, traffic flow, maintaining social distancing and still trying to run a pleasant and effective business is very challenging. 

Limited Time and Resources

You still have to find time to actually run your business. Doing more with less is never fun. 

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Understand your space...

Whether you need to enforce capcaity limits or get a better understanding of your retail space, we are here to help. 

We will be in touch soon!

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We Solve Three Problems With One Solution

Infection Control

A complete suite of COVID-19 features help you maintain consistency and report on the effectiveness of your policies.

Easy and Fast Symptom Checks

Employee Pre-Entry Screening

Temperture Checks

Mask Detection

Policy Documentation

Employee Management

Features to manage your employees and the work that needs to be completed.

Record Optional Body Temperature

No-Touch Time and Attendance

Location Management

Shift Management

Automated Work Reminders

Space Management

Understand what is going in your business

Know who has entered your facility and that they've been properly screened

Visitor Names

Time and Date of Survey

Entry Date and Time


SMS Number of Respondent

Have Any Question?

Find your answer from our FAQs or get in touch with us and we'll figure it out together.

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